Hello! Right now you’re reading “The Creator Confidential”, a blog where famous and successful YouTubers share their stories and tips they have for growing a YouTube channel. If you’re a small YouTuber looking to grow your channel, you’re in the right place! Over the past week, I had the pleasure of interviewing Karla, and here is the finished result. Enjoy!
Karla Espinosa started her YouTube channel just around a year ago and has grown incredibly fast. She now has over 165,000 subscribers and 10.1 million views on her channel! In this post, she gives her top 3 tips to aspiring new YouTube channels, why she started, and much much more!
What inspired you to create your channel?
I’ve loved watching YouTube videos since I was in 7th grade. I would always pretend that I was filming videos for fun when I was younger. I remember throughout high school I also wanted to do it, but I was always worried about what people would think or say. However, it wasn’t until after high school that I realized how dumb it is to care that much about other people’s opinions. So, I started my channel and haven’t regretted it since.
Do you think your family or background/where you grew up influenced your content? Can you talk about how your parents/siblings affected your YouTube channel?
I think the fact that I’m very independent influences my videos the most. It’s just me for almost all of my videos and I like the feeling of simply having a conversation with my viewers. It’s like two friends hanging out, having a conversation.
Were you ever embarrassed to share your videos with your friends or family? If you were, how did you get over that?
At the beginning I would get a little embarrassed if they would watch my videos in front of me; I don’t even know why. But after a while I got used to it and now I’m very appreciative for their constant support.
What's your favorite video on your channel? Why?
I’m proud of all the videos I’ve uploaded because I do work very hard on them. But the video that comes to mind right now is the “Buying things that tik tok told me to buy” video. That was a very fun video to film and people seemed to really enjoy it.
Top 3 tips you would give to small YouTubers trying to start a successful YouTube channel?
I’m still very new with my own YouTube channel and I’m constantly learning new things not only about my channel, but about myself. However, 3 tips I think would be useful for someone else to know are these.
Don’t start a YouTube channel for the wrong reasons. Making videos and having content involves a lot of hard work and dedication, which you can only enjoy doing if you’re actually passionate about it. Don’t do it just because it’s “easy money” or to “become famous” because you’ll quickly be disappointed.
Be consistent. If you’re posting every couple of weeks or even months you’re not going to get the best results. If people subscribe to you it’s because they want to see your videos, but don’t have them waiting so long for one.
Don’t focus so much on views. Especially when you’re just getting started. If you’re constantly looking at the number of views on your videos, you might get discouraged. However, it should do the opposite and it should motivate you to keep going until you reach your goals.
How do you balance school/life with your YouTube channel?
I try to make videos that incorporate my everyday life as much as possible. I usually just bring my camera along with me and film throughout my day.
How do you find new opportunities with brands? Do you reach out to them or do they just email you? What is one of the best opportunities you've gotten from your YouTube channel?
So far, the brands I’ve worked with have emailed me. I always put my business email in my video description and it’s also on my Instagram. I’m happy and proud of all the brands I’ve worked with but one in particular is Curology.
What motivates you to continue making videos?
I really enjoy the process of filming and editing so I see this as a fun hobby. At the beginning it was just me uploading for fun, but now I actually get messages/comments from people that say they really enjoy my videos and want more. So for me, that’s my biggest motivation.
What is your experience with hate (either online in the form of comments or from people in real life) and how do you deal with it?
I’ve been very lucky so far to not have too many experiences with hate. I’m also thankful that I started my channel at the age that I did because I think if I was younger it would’ve been a little harder to deal with. I just like to remember that it’s better to focus on the positive comments than the negative. You can’t let someone that doesn’t know you bring you down. I’m very grateful for all the people that send me sweet messages and enjoy my videos because I choose to focus on them.
Thanks for reading! A huge thanks to Karla for taking the time to answer all the questions. Here are the links to all her socials:
Instagram: @karlaxespinosa https://www.instagram.com/karlaxespinosa/
YouTube: Karla Espinosa https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsACNR3tyCcwso1h6I8r5zw
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